
本当に凄い経験で、今思い返してもびっくりする… まさか引っ込み思案で人見知りで自信の無い私がこんなに生き生きして帰ってくるなんて。三年前に片耳の聴力を失うまで自分をくだらない浅はかな考えで追い詰めていたあの時と今は全く違う。成長した。でもまだまだ人生始まったばかり。これからも色々な事に刺激されて自分を高めていきたい。せっかく頂いた命なんだからこの現実でできること、私の望みを叶えていきたい。それが皆んな個人個人に当てはまる使命だと思う。私の望みはなんだろう。


Finally I'm going to Cebu the Philippines in order to study abroad 2days from now!
I'm so excited at the same time little bit nervous because this is my first study abroad experience. ✈️But there's an amazing treat for me which is trip Los Angels! I can't wait to go there. So for special this, I can try to study hard🔥I heard my school at Cebu island has a few Japanese student which means I stroud by multinational culture. Oh it's awesome 👍🏼
I'm packing up now but I never get through packing because I think too hard like Do I need this one? Do I have to bring it? You know, for one month! I have never been to stay such a long time at abroad. Any way
I will have fun since I think it is wonderful opportunity for my life😆





Not satisfied

These days I feel empty.I have no idea what I should do. I have to focus on my career because I have only about 7months to my job hunting term. But this summer I will go to study abroad in cebu island! So there is no time for that. Since my first alone adventure,
Of course I'm excited but little bit nervous.
What am I doing? So let me write what I want to do. 1. get foreign friends2. get a foreign boyfriend3. go out this country 4.act in a play 5. join a dance club
I have just five things for now. Am I a love addictive person? Or it could be l wanna be loved by someone. But I decided to stop relationship anymore. Because I knew I can not build a loving relationship. Maybe I might feel lonely. So I wanna join a something club.
I wanna see what I never seen before! Though I have no clue. First of all I should focus on study English. Yeah, definitely that is right way.😔😔😔😔

Changing rapidly

This world has been changing rapidly.
At least I feel that.l heard on tv or at univ or something that has been coming out dishonest practices you know companies,media, show business like janny's
Which Japanese idol agency etc...
Metoo movement, Congratulation message of entrance ceremony at Tokyo univ.
The other day,Notre Dame are burned out.
Oh it is surprise! I feel someone or like got?says It ended up It's enough old days are done ! In japan, Generation of Reiwa will start next month. Drastic change makes us complicated but I'm so excited about future!
I bet our world will be better than what used to be. BTW l don't really care about univ i go to but that place is amazing! l love this word "amazing" lol Especially warm sunny weather during the morning! Like it's shiny✨
Feel happiness🌸 and harmony🕊
exactly Reiwa! But I don't know why univ students are disgusting... eyesore.
I should not say that i won't feel at ease unless say that! I can't stand anymore 😑
It's time to change my mind and my life the
same way our world lol Well I do understand
But it's hassle. Anyway I work at like hostel as a part timer you know I am a univ student.
That job is awesome! I thought part time job is dull. I had no choice to earn money for my own but now is different! I've never felt like that. I can talk in English because there are a lot of foreign customers in there, and can talk with coworkers, I can dye my hair any color. So my hair color is nearly pink at first glance orange🍊oh wait, I wrote too much
Let's call it a day bye!


書きたいことしか書かないので早速本題に入ります。私は小学生の時からMiley Cyrusが大好きでよくHannah Montana に憧れてブロンドのカツラかぶって歌ってたなー。今でもよく歌う!
特にHannah Montana 2の曲とMeet Miley Cyrusのアルバムの曲! カラオケで歌うと必ずアメリカの国旗が出てきやがる…それはなんかやめてほしい笑 カラオケも認めるくらいアメリカな雰囲気なのよ😂 広い道路にタイヤがゴツいトラックが走ってたり、一方でトヨタが走ってたり…夕焼けでオレンジ色になった広い空と
お尻が大きすぎる黒人のおばちゃん、世界中どこにでも見る中華系の方々、メキシコ系のファミリー… なんか、世界って面白いなぁ。